Field Report #3

Josh and I ran into Ryan Martin while we ate al fresco at El Greco yester-eve.

He told us, quite confidently, that Nicolas Cage says "I'm just trying to understand!" in 8MM.

I don't believe him.


Field Report #2

July 9, 2008

I heard someone in the office say, "I'm just trying to understand.." into the telephone.

Sadly, it wasn't Nicolas Cage in my office. And it has to be on-screen, anyway.

Field Report #1

July 7, 2008

My dreams last night were filled with Cage. Nothing sexual (thank heavens), just a lot of chasing and hunting for something involving NC. I don't need to consult my dream dictionary to get to the bottom of that!!

It's clear that I'm just trying to understand!

Rumblefish (1983)

July 6, 2008

Rumblefish (1983)
Dir. by Francis Ford Coppola

Nicolas Cage: Smokey, an industrious gang member

After viewing the light-hearted Valley Girl, many of our dinner guests bowed out to bed or karaoke. Josh and I were then left alone with dirty dishes and Rumblefish.

Our friends missed out. This movie is fantastic, beautiful, and Tom Waits is in it. And Dennis Hopper. And Mickey Rourke. And a dozen other greats, not to mention Mr. Cage. His biggest scene was refreshing after watching Valley Girl: Smokey is a part of a subculture just like Randy, but he has balls in this movie. Much less weenie-looking. Which brings us to..

Dental exam: still pre-orthodonics. But at least he has a full set of his own hair!

My favorite part of this film was the cinematography, thank you FFC. My favorite part of the cinematography was how it made Diane Lane look drop-dead gorgeous.

Also, I can type cinematography fast and correctly, because I went to film school.

"I'm Just Trying to Understand": 0

Valley Girl (1983)

July 6, 2008

Valley Girl (1983)
Dir. by Martha Coolidge

Nicolas Cage: Randy, a "punk" from Hollywood High.

On the Sunday night after another glorious Independence Day, Josh and I kicked off our Nicolas Cage i'mjusttryingtounderstand-athon. We made dinner with a handful of friends and watched Valley Girl. (We know that technically NC's first film is listed as Fast Times at Ridgemont High, but it's an incredibly bit part, and we are certain he does not utter the line under investigation. In the interest of time, we crossed it off the list.) This very last-minute dinner party gave way to a lot of explaining on our part of our mission and purpose, which served further motivate us, but also cemented NC into our sub-conscious.

This film is a nice little trip back to the 80's. It's better than Gidget, and not as good as Clueless. I was born in 1983 and lived through the 90s, so I guess that's an age-appropriate diagnostic.

The most conjecture this film raised concerned NC's mouth, chin, facial structure, and dental work. I'm hoping to see the exact leap from the front-teeth-pile-up of NC's cake-hole from this era to the smooth shy Cage smile of today.

"I'm Just Trying to Understand": 0